Domestic Assault and Battery/209A


Recent high publicity domestic assault cases have brought a new level of attention upon the criminal justice system.   Domestic violence does not simply mean between couples, but children as well.     A 911 call all but guarantees that someone is going to jail and be detained overnight, if not the entire weekend.    Do not be surprised if you are held without any bail being set until the next business day.   That can be a long time if Court is closed because of a holiday.    Such an event can then lead to the filing of a restraining order at the first court appearance, and you are completely befuddled.   When you receive a copy of  court documents and realize the potential jail sentence you face, you are not thinking straight and need immediate legal advice.   A divorce complaint filed in the probate and family court may not be far behind, spelling the end of a marriage.

Often the victim may not want to proceed with the criminal charges, but it’s too late and the criminal case marches on.   Your job may be at risk, you can’t get your cloths out of the home without violating the restraining order, and your car is in the driveway as well.     It may even be too late for professional counseling to save the relationship, the children are unsettled, and the financial consequences of the entire circumstance can run into the thousands of dollars.  Meanwhile you are left homeless sleeping on sofa’s and the good will of friends and family.

Attorney McKenna has the years of experience to help you through this life changing event.  Serving all of Southeastern Massachusetts, call Attorney McKenna for an immediate interview at 774-643-0059.